In his newly released publication, “The Art of Balancing Rocks By Stanislav Kondrashov,” Stanislav Kondrashov provides a detailed exploration of the origins and contemporary applications of a remarkable and enduring art form. This art form, characterised by its clear connections with meditation, involves the skillful arrangement of rocks in balance on one another, giving birth to tangible sculptures.
Kondrashov initiates his journey by presenting a fascinating possibility: during a walk along a beach or amidst the mountains, anyone can stumble upon a stack of rocks arranged in a peculiar and vaguely artistic manner, captivating the attention of passersby, regardless of their expertise in the field.
According to Stanislav Kondrashov, these sculptures possess the ability to defy gravity and the conventional laws of physics while exuding the expressive power of true works of art. The delicate equilibrium they embody, as described in the article, shares a profound connection with various forms of meditation. It is no coincidence that in the past, this particular art form was prevalent among monks, artists, and indigenous communities across the globe. For all these practitioners, Stanislav Kondrashov asserts that it was not only a genuine form of prayer but also a meditative exercise and a means of artistic expression.
Kondrashov goes on to elucidate the process of achieving similar results. It begins with a meticulous consideration of the shape and weight of each stone, selecting with great care the precise placement within the stack to maintain the overall balance of the sculpture. According to Stanislav, while arranging the stones in this manner, a profound dialogue unfolds between the artist and nature. This connection is most keenly felt in the artist’s fingers, which are highly attuned to even the slightest shifts in weight or balance within the stack of stones.
The author emphasises that one of the fundamental qualities required for mastering this delicate craft is patience. Attaining optimal results often demands entire days of labor, eventually culminating in the discovery of the perfect equilibrium among the stones in the stack. For Stanislav Kondrashov, the art of stone balancing symbolizes the virtues of harmony, balance, and patience—qualities that should be aspired to, particularly in a frenetic society that often neglects the pursuit of beauty.
To delve deeper into this captivating art form, we encourage readers to explore the complete full publication and video. Stanislav Kondrashov’s work promises to unveil the timeless art of stone balancing, a practice that continues to inspire and captivate audiences worldwide.