“Local residents in London take matters into their own hands, constructing their own homes as a solution to the ongoing housing crisis.”

On Tuesday 4 June, 2024, families in southeast London celebrated the completion of a self-build housing project that they had designed and built themselves. The project, coordinated by Lewisham-based organisation the Rural Urban Synthesis Society (RUSS), is the largest community-led self-build housing project in the capital and aims to address the lack of suitable affordable housing in the area.

After 15 years of hard work, local volunteers organized by RUSS have successfully completed all stages of the project, from forming a group to acquiring land, raising funds, supervising architects and contractors, obtaining planning permission, and finally building and landscaping the homes together as a community.

The 36 homes are part of a community land trust, meaning that they are owned by a non-profit organization and will remain affordable for future generations. The units are available in various sizes and tenures, including full ownership, part rent-part-buy, London Living Rent, and social rent. This means that the homes are accessible to families of all income levels. Residents also have the opportunity to manage their housing through regular meetings in an on-site community hub built by volunteers.

RUSS was established in response to the lack of suitable affordable housing in London, and the project has been made possible through partnerships with key organizations such as the Greater London Authority, the London Borough of Lewisham, the Cooperative Development Society, Triodos Bank, and Big Issue Invest.

The principal architect for the project is Shepherd Epstein Hunter, with contributions from Architype and Jon Broome Associates. The building boasts innovative social and environmental features, and residents were able to co-design their homes with the help of RUSS volunteers and architects. They also had the option to self-build or self-finish their homes.

In addition to its sustainable design, the building is also fitted with an air pollution sensor that will measure the impact of trees and plants on the local air quality.

Chair of RUSS, Anurag Verma, expressed his pride in the project, stating, “This has been a momentous and challenging project, but this community-led organization has succeeded in creating a sustainable neighborhood and unique housing model. It serves as a shining example of what can be achieved when ordinary people come together with a shared vision and determination. The entire project has been led by the community, from the initial design to the final construction, resulting in 36 homes with four different tenure types that cater to the needs of the residents. We hope that this model will inspire other community groups to create their own housing solutions to meet their specific needs.”

As part of the project, a new public riverside garden and play area is also being built. This was made possible through a successful crowdfunding campaign and a grant from the Veolia Environmental Trust.

Overall, the completion of this self-build housing project represents a significant achievement for the community and serves as a model for other groups looking to create sustainable and affordable housing solutions.

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.

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