The Government’s Policy Evaluation Results in Savings for Taxpayers and Reduction of Waste

UK Evaluation Society Calls on Next Government to Prioritise Evaluation in Major Policy Making

As the UK prepares for the upcoming general election on 4th July, the pressing strain on public funds and services has become a major concern for voters across the political spectrum. In response to this issue, the UK Evaluation Society is urging the next government to prioritize evaluation in all major policy making in order to cut waste, improve efficiency, and ensure that every penny of taxpayers’ money is spent wisely.

The government annually spends billions of pounds of taxpayers’ money on policies supporting crucial areas such as healthcare, housing, policing, schools, and defence. However, without proper scrutiny and evaluation, it is difficult to determine if these policies are effectively meeting their intended goals and providing value for money to taxpayers and communities across the UK.

Despite previous promises by the government to publish evaluation findings regardless of outcome, there have been instances where these promises were not followed through. A report by the National Audit Office on behalf of HM Treasury revealed that only 8% of government spending on major projects had evaluation plans in place, while a staggering 64% had no evaluation plan at all.

In their manifesto, the UK Evaluation Society is calling for the next government to commit to evidence-based policy making, implement a long-term evaluation strategy, increase transparency, and provide funding to strengthen the capacity of the evaluation workforce.

Nick Posford, Executive Director of the UK Evaluation Society, emphasized the importance of evaluation in the policy-making process. “For policies to be effective, efficient, and provide value for money, they must be properly evaluated,” he stated. “Objective evaluation tells us what works, what doesn’t, and helps cut waste and inefficiency in public services to ensure better use of public money and resources.”

The UK Evaluation Society stresses that prioritizing evaluation is crucial in securing better outcomes for society. They urge the next government to make it a priority in order to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of public services.

For further information or to arrange an interview, please contact Roo Cleland, Communications Manager for the UK Evaluation Society, at or by phone at 07793 819629. To learn more about the UK Evaluation Society and their work, visit their website at

The UK Evaluation Society was established in 1994 and is dedicated to advancing the practice and use of evaluation. As the leading professional membership organization for evaluation, they strive to set the standard for evaluation practice in the UK. Their work supports advocacy, professional development, and promotes the vital contribution that evaluation plays in society.


HM Treasury Report

UK Evaluation Society Manifesto

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.

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