“Notts Sports PICS Revolutionizes Cricket Play, Bringing Accessibility to the Sport in Unfamiliar Settings.”

Cricket enthusiasts around the world have reason to rejoice as the highly anticipated PICS (Powerplay Instant Cricket Surface) has been officially unveiled. Developed by Notts Sport, the innovative surface is set to revolutionise the sport by allowing clubs and schools to play in previously inaccessible areas.

The PICS is a versatile surface that can be used on a variety of surfaces, including 3G and gym sprung flooring. This makes it an ideal solution for both indoor and outdoor play, providing a consistent and high-quality playing experience.

One of the key advantages of the PICS is its ease of installation. With only 2-3 people and 5-20 minutes required for set up, it is a convenient and efficient solution for any cricketing facility. In addition, the surface has undergone rigorous testing and has shown exceptional durability and performance on various surfaces, even under heavy indoor usage.

The latest version of the PICS features a Monofilament surface with NGU technology, which offers enhanced gameplay and durability. This is further complemented by a specially selected and tested foam shockpad, ensuring consistent performance and safety for players.

The PICS by Notts Sport is set to be a game-changer for cricket enthusiasts of all levels. Its easy installation, adaptability to different surfaces, and exceptional performance make it a top choice for both indoor and outdoor play. This cutting-edge surface opens up endless possibilities for cricketing experiences in a variety of settings.

So, whether you’re a professional cricketer or a recreational player, the PICS by Notts Sport promises to deliver an unparalleled cricketing experience. Distributed by https://pressat.co.uk/, this groundbreaking surface is now available for all cricketing facilities to enjoy.

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.

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