International Orangutan Day is being celebrated through the feel-good factor of fundraising for International Animal Rescue (IAR).

International Orangutan Day is fast approaching on 19th August and as we celebrate these extraordinary great apes, it’s important to also recognize the challenges they face and the urgent need for conservation efforts. In light of this, International Animal Rescue (IAR) is organizing fundraising events to raise awareness and support for these remarkable creatures and their disappearing habitats.

Aside from the obvious benefits of fundraising, such as providing much-needed financial support, it also brings a profound sense of fulfilment and joy. The “helper’s high” is a real phenomenon, triggered by the release of dopamine and endorphins in the brain, which not only boosts our mood but also strengthens our immune system.

On 22nd September, IAR is holding The Rainforest Run, a virtual event where participants can run, jog, or walk a 5k or 10k distance to raise funds for the organization. Along with many others across the UK, actor Steven Cree, known for his roles in Outlander and Terminator: Dark Fate, will be leading ‘Team Orangutan’ in this event. He shares his passion for conservation and support for IAR’s mission to protect animals and their habitats.

“I am proud to be running in support of International Animal Rescue. Not only do they save animals from suffering, but they also rehabilitate and release them back into the wild and work to protect their precious natural habitats,” said Steven.

But the fundraising doesn’t stop there. On 5th October, adventurers will have the opportunity to abseil 85 meters down Portsmouth’s iconic Spinnaker Tower in a charity abseil event. Both of these fundraising events provide a unique and exciting way to contribute to the conservation of orangutans and their habitats.

Why is it important to support these efforts? Orangutans share 97% of their DNA with humans, earning them the name “forest person” in Malay. They are the largest tree-dwelling mammals, with arm spans reaching up to seven feet. By participating in these fundraising events, not only are you helping to preserve their homes and ensure their survival, but you are also contributing to the conservation of our closest animal relatives.

For more information on how you can get involved and participate in these feel-good fundraising events, visit

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.

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