“Ed Miliband Called Upon by Footprint Zero to Implement Preferential Feed-in Tariff for Solar Installations on Roofs and in Car Parks”

Leading sustainability advocate calls for preferential feed-in tariff for on-roof and car park solar installations

Footprint Zero has urged the UK government, particularly Energy Secretary Ed Miliband, to introduce a preferential feed-in tariff specifically for solar energy generated from on-roof and car park installations. This initiative aims to prioritize solar developments that do not encroach upon valuable agricultural land or natural landscapes.

The call comes amidst growing concerns about the environmental and aesthetic impact of ground-mounted solar farms. With the demand for renewable energy on the rise, Footprint Zero questions the continued expansion of these large-scale solar projects, especially when there is an abundance of underutilized industrial roof space and car parks.

Recent government approvals for three substantial solar farms at Mallard Pass, Sunnica, and Gate Burton have sparked debate about the need for more sustainable solutions. Spanning a total of 2,837 hectares, these projects are expected to generate 1.4 GW of power—enough to supply electricity to 406,994 homes. However, Footprint Zero, along with other environmental organizations, argues that the UK can achieve its energy goals without sacrificing the countryside.

In support of this stance, the Countryside Charity, formerly known as the Campaign to Protect Rural England, has launched a campaign urging the government to set a target of at least 60% of the solar energy required by 2035 to come from rooftop installations. The organization highlights several benefits of on-roof solar, including the preservation of farmland, improved energy efficiency by generating power close to where it’s needed, and the protection of rural landscapes.

According to government data, the UK has approximately 250,000 hectares of south-facing industrial roof space and 20,000 hectares of car parks, totaling more than 2.5 billion square meters. Even with a conservative solar panel efficiency rate of 18%, this area could generate around 486 GWh of electricity annually, significantly exceeding the UK’s current energy consumption.

Rupert Harrow, Founding Director of Footprint Zero, emphasized the need for government policies to reflect the potential of rooftop solar. “We commend The Countryside Charity for their excellent work in advocating for more on-roof solar. It is crucial that the UK Government introduces incentives to prioritize on-roof and car park solar over ground-mounted systems. The original solar feed-in tariff was instrumental in driving the adoption of solar PV across the country, and it is time to revisit this policy to ensure that we maximize the use of available roof space.”

Harrow added, “No one wants to see vast solar farms covering our greenbelt when we have the opportunity to meet our energy needs through rooftop solar installations. By incentivizing on-roof solar, we can generate sufficient clean, renewable energy while preserving the natural beauty of our countryside.”

Footprint Zero is now calling on the government to take immediate action by introducing a preferential feed-in tariff for on-roof solar. This policy update would not only accelerate the adoption of renewable energy but also ensure that the UK’s energy transition is both environmentally responsible and socially acceptable.

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.

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