CIBSE continues to prioritize building safety in light of the final Grenfell Tower Inquiry report.

London, United Kingdom – The release of the final report from the Grenfell Tower Inquiry on Wednesday, 4 September, 2024 marks a significant and poignant moment in the ongoing reckoning with the devastating loss of 72 lives in June 2017. This report serves as a deeply emotional and harrowing chapter for the bereaved, survivors, and families of the Grenfell Tower victims. The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) recognizes the ongoing suffering and extends its heartfelt sympathies to all those whose lives were forever altered by this unimaginable tragedy.

As the final report of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry is now published, CIBSE continues to demonstrate its unwavering commitment to building safety. Dr. Anastasia Mylona, CIBSE Technical Director, commented on the report, stating: “The findings of the Grenfell Inquiry report are both sobering and a stark reminder of the critical need for transparency, integrity, and robust regulation within our industry. As the report highlights systemic failures, CIBSE remains committed to driving the necessary reforms in building and fire safety engineering practices. Our role is to ensure that the highest standards are upheld, and that the safety of residents is always the paramount concern in the built environment.”

CIBSE has been actively involved in shaping the future of building safety through various initiatives and contributions. These include providing expert input to consultations on draft legislation and guidance, focusing on building safety at last year’s Build2Perform event, and supporting the British Standards Institution (BSI) in developing BS8670, Core Criteria for Building Safety Competence Frameworks, along with its supporting Publicly Available Specifications (PAS). CIBSE has also been actively participating in working groups and committees, contributing to the development of new legislation and guidance aimed at improving building safety. The Institution has also played a crucial role in enhancing competence standards and offering essential training and education courses, such as the “Introduction to the Building Safety Act.”

To further strengthen its commitment to building safety, CIBSE has established a Building Services Fire Safety Working Group to lead and inform the Institution’s technical guidance and responses to government consultations. As the final report of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry provides further learning points, CIBSE remains dedicated to driving much-needed change within the industry. The Institution will continue to support its members and the broader construction community in implementing the lessons learned from Grenfell and ensuring that building safety remains a top priority.

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.

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