The queen dispatched advisors to investigate the latest crop circles and was intrigued by the British Roswell.

New Documentary Explores Royal Family’s Passion for UFOs and the Paranormal

A new documentary, titled “The King Of UFOs,” has been released on Amazon Prime, offering a behind-the-scenes look at the Royal Family’s fascination with UFOs and the paranormal. The film, written and directed by Mark Christopher Lee, sheds light on the Royal Family’s interest in these topics and their efforts to keep it a secret.

“The King Of UFOs” delves into the world of UFOs and the paranormal, revealing the Royal Family’s involvement in investigating these phenomena. According to Lee, the late Queen had a particular interest in crop circles and would send her own scientific advisors to investigate them in the middle of the night. One such incident occurred in the late 1980s, when crop circle researcher Colin Andrews was accompanied by a Japanese film crew to Wiltshire. He received word that the Queen was interested in the crop circle formation and, a few hours later, a Rolls Royce arrived at the scene. While Andrews initially thought it was the Queen, he soon discovered it was her chief scientific advisor.

Retired CID detective John Hanson also features in the film, sharing his experiences with the Royal Family’s interest in the Rendelsham UFO case from 1980. This case, often referred to as the British Roswell, involved a UFO allegedly landing in the forest at Rendelsham over Christmas weekend. Airforce personnel from the nearby RAF Bentwaters, a US NATO base at the time, went to investigate and reported seeing strange orbs and beams of light in the forest.

Hanson reveals that he corresponded with the Queen and Prince Philip about the Rendelsham case, and they even enjoyed his books on the subject, which he co-wrote with Colonel Halt, the Deputy Commander of the base at the time. Halt had taken a dictaphone with him during his investigation and recorded what he saw, convinced that something out of the ordinary occurred that weekend. The film features letters from the Queen and Prince Philip to Hanson, showcasing their personal library of UFO and paranormal books.

Director Mark Christopher Lee explains the goal of the film:

“What I wanted to show in this film is how passionate and serious the senior royals were on the subject of UFOs. They had to keep this mostly a secret because of possible ridicule but if such high standing, balanced people took them seriously, why can’t we? There is something that pilots and police officers are seeing in the skies that can’t be explained, so why can’t the British government take them seriously?”

The documentary also includes footage of an alleged UFO sighting at Rendelsham Forest in 2000, captured by retired Police Officer John Hanson.

“The Rendelsham UFO case of 1980, often dubbed the British Roswell, is not just about that one sighting,” Lee adds. “I have spoken to people who have seen and filmed strange UFOs and orbs since then, including this footage by John Hanson.”

“The King Of UFOs” is now available to watch on Prime Video, free for Prime members.

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.

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