“Churches deemed beneficial for both health and the NHS, experts say”

The National Churches Trust has released a new report, ‘The House of Good: Health’, which reveals the vital role that churches play in providing health-related support services in the UK. The report, produced by value and social impact consultancy State of Life, shows that these services relieve significant cost pressures on the National Health Service (NHS), worth an estimated £8.4 billion each year.

The report, set to launch at an event sponsored by Ruth Jones MP on Tuesday 15 October 2024 in the House of Commons, highlights the various health-related services that churches provide, including youth groups, food banks, drug and alcohol addiction support, and mental health counselling. These services are essential for people in urgent need and directly contribute to improving their health and wellbeing.

According to the report, churches offer a range of support services that are equivalent to 4% of total UK public health spending. This amount would cost the NHS billions of pounds a year to produce, and is equivalent to employing 230,000 nurses. However, this health dividend is at risk as an increasing number of churches are facing closure due to lack of funding.

The Rt Revd and Rt Hon Dame Sarah Mullally DBE, Bishop of London, welcomed the report, stating, “Churches and other faith groups play an extremely important role in the health and wellbeing of their communities, and in our collective health. There is a church in every community, including the most deprived, and many have been serving their communities for generations. It is encouraging to see the value of their provision being recognised in this report, with inspiring case studies.”

The report, co-authored by Will Watt, Allan Little, and Jasmine Kazantzis from State of Life, uses Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs) to determine the healthcare value of four support services provided in church buildings. These include youth groups, food banks, drug and alcohol addiction support, and mental health counselling. The report also takes into account the positive health benefits experienced by volunteers who contribute their time to support these services.

The report highlights that the £8.4 billion in cost relief is not directly visible to NHS commissioners. However, it significantly reduces the demand for health services, thereby reducing costs. The report also emphasizes that this is a conservative valuation and that churches provide a much wider range of support services that contribute to health and wellbeing, further reducing costs.

Claire Walker, Chief Executive of the National Churches Trust, said, “The UK’s 38,500 churches promote the positive mental and physical health that helps people thrive. They provide locations for health treatments. They prevent conditions that would otherwise send more patients through GP or hospital doors. They’re our National Help Service. Our new research, ‘The House of Good: Health’ shows for the ­ first time that the value of the health-related support services provided in church buildings is at least £8.4 billion a year.”

However, the report also highlights the alarming fact that the UK’s church buildings are dangerously underfunded, with many in the most deprived areas falling into disrepair and facing closure. Around 3,500 churches have closed in recent years, and without urgent support, there is a risk of losing this vital safety net for the most vulnerable people in society.

The report also includes a case study on the role of churches in supporting those struggling with alcohol addiction. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a fellowship of men and women who share their experiences, strength, and hope to help each other recover from alcoholism. The report notes that many AA groups meet in church buildings, including St Martin’s church in Roath, where a regular group of 15-20 people meets every Friday.

One of the anonymous members of the AA group at St Martin’s church stated, “If I had not found this particular AA group at the church I believe that I would have been still suffering fear and soul sickness. A wonderful light is falling upon me now and a sense of relief that is indescribable.” The Vicar of St Martin in Roath, Fr Irving Hamer, added, “The AA Group use the Music Room which has easy access to the toilet, and basic kitchen facilities at their disposal. Many of the people comment on how much they appreciate the stillness, silence and beauty of the church – perhaps it helps calm and focus them for the AA Session or when they leave to return to their lives, work, family and other commitments.”

In conclusion, the National Churches Trust urges for urgent support to protect these vital community spaces and to integrate them into local health service provision. By investing in church buildings, we can alleviate pressures on healthcare budgets and deliver immense value to individuals and communities across the UK.

For more information, please contact:

Eddie Tulasiewicz

Head of Policy and Public Affairs

National Churches Trust

7 Tufton Street, London SW1P 3QB

t. 07742 932278


Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.

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