A New Report Presents the Latest Opportunities in 6G Materials and Hardware

A new report from Zhar Research, “6G Communications: Materials and Hardware Markets, Technology 2024-2044”, is providing in-depth analysis of the materials and devices needed for 6G Communications. The 298-page report offers an unbiassed appraisal of the current situation, with key conclusions, SWOT appraisals, comparison tables and infograms, as well as forecasting lines for the materials, devices, and host equipment for the years 2024-2044.

Questions answered in the report include: likely winners and losers of the 6G market, progress and intentions by region, gaps in the market, analysis of the research pipeline and its trends, potential partners, acquisitions, and competitors, types of materials and hardware needed, unsolved problems that provide opportunities for materials and devices, preferred compounds, devices, and active regions emerging, and a 20-year roadmap of decision making, technical capability, and adoption.

The Executive Summary and Conclusions (50 pages) provide an overview of the basics, targets, challenges, players, 13 key conclusions, a 6G SWOT appraisal, and infograms. The report then moves on to examine thermal management, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces, 6G devices, graphene and 2D materials, and other emerging materials for 6G Communications.

The report also includes a chapter on 6G Communications projects world-wide involving material and component research. This provides insight into the nature of the 6G material and components development that is most-strongly funded, and the billion-dollar business opportunities that can emerge from fine metal patterning, flexible and thin film electronics, to facility energy harvesting, giant base-station thermal management, and RIS facades across skyscrapers.

The report offers a comprehensive overview of the situation in the 6G Communications market, revealing the opportunities for those looking to get involved.

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.

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