A risk of gut diseases is faced by three quarters of Brits due to insufficient variety in their diets.

UK Survey Finds Majority of People Stick to Same Foods in Weekly Shop, Limiting Gut Microbiome Diversity

A recent survey conducted by Bowel Research UK has revealed that nearly three quarters of people in the UK buy the same foods in their weekly shop, limiting the diversity and health of their gut microbiome. The survey, which was conducted in February 2024 among 2,000 UK adults by OnePoll, highlights the important role that diet diversity plays in maintaining a healthy gut microbiome.

The gut microbiome is the collection of bacteria, fungi, and viruses that naturally live inside us. A diverse gut microbiome has been strongly linked to better overall health and protection from bowel diseases. However, the survey found that 74% of people in the UK always or often buy the same ingredients in their grocery shop, limiting the diversity of their gut microbiome.

The survey also revealed that younger people were more likely to stick to the same foods in their weekly shop, with 25% of people aged 18-25 reporting that they always buy the same ingredients. Reasons cited for this lack of variety included knowing what they like (61%), convenience (37%), and budget (31%).

Dr Saliha Mahmood-Ahmed, an NHS doctor, chef, and winner of BBC’s MasterChef competition in 2017, stressed the importance of diet diversity for a healthy gut microbiome. She said, “Studies have shown that rather than focusing on ‘superfoods’, one of the best things you can do for your gut health is to eat a variety of plants, such as fruits, vegetables, and grains.” She also emphasized the positive impact of varying fruit and vegetable choices weekly or seasonally on the gut microbiome.

Worryingly, nearly half of the survey respondents had not heard of the gut microbiome, with only 28% of people over 65 reporting that they were familiar with it. Lynn Dunne, CEO of Bowel Research UK, expressed concern over this lack of awareness. She said, “Having a healthy gut microbiome has positive effects on so many aspects of health – from helping maintain a healthy weight and mental health to reducing the risk of bowel cancer and managing symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.”

To address this lack of awareness and encourage people to prioritize their gut health, Bowel Research UK has launched an appeal for major donations to fund research on the gut microbiome. The charity is aiming to create a ringfenced pot of £250,000 for researchers to apply for PhDs or small grants to advance understanding of the gut microbiome.

Dr James Kinross, Bowel Research UK’s microbiome clinical expert, highlighted the need for more research in this area. He said, “Ten years ago, research on the gut microbiome was seen as in its infancy and, despite it now being a hot topic in research, it is still a neglected niche when it comes to science funding.” He praised Bowel Research UK for launching the appeal, stating that it will provide much-needed support for researchers starting their careers in this field.

The appeal is being launched in conjunction with Bowel Research UK’s Microbiome Garden at RHS Chelsea Flower Show. The garden explores the link between a healthy landscape, a healthy gut, and a healthy mind, and aims to inspire people to rewild their diets, gardens, and their relationship with the land.

For media enquiries, please contact Rachel Gonzaga, Bowel Research UK’s Communications Consultant, on 07918 590 166.

To find out more about the microbiome grant funding appeal or to make a donation, visit: https://www.bowelresearchuk.org/get-involved/microbiome-appeal/

About Bowel Research UK

Bowel Research UK is a leading specialist bowel cancer and bowel disease research charity, dedicated to funding life-changing research into these diseases. Every year, over 16,000 people die from bowel cancer in the UK, and over a million suffer from bowel disease. By investing in cutting-edge treatments and supporting the best science, Bowel Research UK is saving and improving lives. To learn more, visit https://www.bowelresearchuk.org/.

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.

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