Black Friday Shoppers Expect High Quality Customer Service

New research from Esendex reveals that consumers are becoming increasingly intolerant of lengthy waiting times when it comes to customer service. The research showed that more than half of respondents get frustrated if they have to wait for more than five hours for a response.

Chris Gorman, Head of Professional Services at Esendex comments: “Our research highlights a shift in customer expectations and communication preferences, and a growing intolerance of being kept waiting. Customers now expect the convenience of two-way conversational messaging and self-serve.”

Furthermore, the study found that 85% of consumers would only give a business two chances before switching to a competitor. Gorman goes on to say: “It seems we are happy to use SMS, chatbots, AI, speech recognition, touch tone, web FAQs and forums if we can get quicker answers to our questions.”

Gorman adds that with businesses competing so closely, particularly around Black Friday and Cyber Monday, it may well be the quality of customer service that tips the balance in favour of a particular product and brand.

A new study from Esendex has revealed that consumers are becoming increasingly intolerant of lengthy waiting times when it comes to customer service. The research showed that more than half of respondents get frustrated if they had to wait for more than five hours for a response from customer service.

Chris Gorman, Head of Professional Services at Esendex, commented: “Our research highlights a shift in customer expectations and communication preferences, and a growing intolerance of being kept waiting. Customers now expect the convenience of two-way conversational messaging and self-serve. It seems we are happy to use SMS, chatbots, AI, speech recognition, touch tone, web FAQs and forums if we can get quicker answers to our questions.”

The study also found that 85% of consumers would only give a business two chances before switching to a competitor. Gorman added: “When businesses are competing so closely in terms of price, particularly around Black Friday and Cyber Monday, it may well be the quality of customer service that tips the balance in favour of a particular product and brand.”

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.

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