“Celestus aims to increase awareness of business exit planning within the UK.”

Leading UK businesses for sale aggregation platform, BSR (Business Sale Report), has announced the launch of Celestus, a new value acceleration and exit planning advisory service. The division aims to help small to mid-market enterprise owners maximise the value of their businesses and prepare for successful exits.

With almost 30 years of experience connecting business owners and buyers, BSR has witnessed a number of transactions fail due to various reasons such as owners not being exit-ready, valuation gaps, lack of post-sale plans, and limited knowledge of exit options. These challenges will now be addressed through the services provided by Celestus.

According to Chris St Cartmail, Senior Advisor at Celestus, “The UK significantly lags behind the United States in exit planning among SME owners. At Celestus, we’re expanding the conversation from mere exit planning to comprehensive value building. Our aim is to decentralise the owner and align business, personal, and financial goals to become exit-ready.”

Research conducted by Celestus has revealed that 95 per cent of business owners have no formal plan for life after the sale of their business and less than 20 per cent have had a formal business valuation. Additionally, only 34 per cent of business owners were aware of their exit options.

To address these issues, Celestus has a team of certified exit planning advisors (CEPAs) who are experts in areas critical to value building and exit planning. These advisors, including financial planners, lawyers, EOT specialists, and chartered accountants, work together to develop a comprehensive, prescriptive plan that typically runs for 12-24 months.

The process involves identifying and addressing problem areas in the business that may hinder profitability, growth, and potential buyers. By the end of the process, the business is ‘de-risked’, value drivers are identified and enhanced, and it becomes ‘exit-ready’ with a market value often significantly higher than it would have been at the beginning.

St Cartmail adds, “In today’s dynamic market, it’s more important than ever for business owners to be proactive about de-risking their enterprise and building value. We’re launching Celestus now to empower business owners with the tools and expertise they need to make informed decisions and maximise their returns when they choose to exit.”

Celestus is dedicated to assisting business owners with annual revenues over £2 million in navigating the complexities of value building and exit planning, providing a comprehensive, tailored approach.

For more information about Celestus and their services, visit Celestus.com or email one of the senior advisors, Boris Rykov (boris@celestus.com).

About BSR (Business Sale Report):
BSR has been a trusted name in connecting business owners and buyers for almost three decades. Their mission is to facilitate successful transactions by bringing together buyers and sellers and providing valuable insights and resources.

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.

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