Cornwall’s awards recognise kindness and community spirit

Coastline Housing, the Cornish social landlord, has recognised the work of a number of local people and organisations who have made a difference to their communities and neighbourhoods in Cornwall.

At a ceremony to present the ‘Customer at the Heart’ Awards, Coastline customers voted for those who have offered their kindness, help and inspiration.

Charles Allwright was given the Green Champion award for his involvement with the Pengegon Allotment Association for 50 years on the Pengegon Estate in Camborne. He has been providing produce to friends, family and the Cornwall Neighbourhoods for Change and offering advice to those who use the allotments.

Jack Brown was presented with the Young Hero Award for designing and producing an accredited creative writing course at Coastline’s Homeless Service. Jack was praised for his thoughtfulness and empathy to others.

The Partnership Working Award went to Laura Allsworth, who has been coordinating the West Cornwall Shoebox Appeal for many years. The project focuses on local communities creating shoeboxes with essential items and gifts for people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.

Lisa O’Kane and Sian Corban received the Your Next Step award for setting up a Community Interest Company called Hidden Treasures. The project aims to provide affordable, inclusive and regulated childcare, overnight short breaks, play schemes and holiday camps for families in Cornwall who have children with additional needs.

The Community Volunteer award was presented to Lynne Cawkwell for her work at the Miners Court Day Centre Team in Redruth. She was nominated for being kind, caring and inspiring others to volunteer too.

The Partner Programme accolade went to Kevin Brennan, who has been a garden volunteer and donating his time to allotments every week.

Nigel Trevena was recognised for his work with the ‘Miners Minders’ group at Miners Court, befriending other new customers who move into the Extra Care scheme.

Wendy James was given the Good Neighbour Award for communicating with her neighbours and making sure their voices are heard.

John Stevens and Wendy James were presented with Long Service Awards for their volunteering work over the past ten years.

Finally, Kathryn Dearden from Redruth was awarded for transforming her garden since moving in.

Allister Young, CEO at Coastline Housing, said: “It was truly inspiring to hear all the many ways in which our award winners and runner ups are helping people in their local communities day in, day out.”

Coastline Housing has acknowledged the work of local people and organisations in Cornwall, presenting them with the ‘Customer at the Heart’ Awards. The awards recognise those who have offered their kindness, help and inspiration to their communities. Winners were voted for by Coastline customers, including Charles Allwright, Jack Brown, Laura Allsworth, Lisa O’Kane and Sian Corban, Lynne Cawkwell, Kevin Brennan, Nigel Trevena, Wendy James, John Stevens and Kathryn Dearden. Allister Young, CEO at Coastline Housing, said: “It was truly inspiring to hear all the many ways in which our award winners and runner ups are helping people in their local communities day in, day out.”

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.

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