Data gathered by the drugs education charity, the DSM Foundation, reveals the dangers associated with a limited comprehension of UK drug legislation among more than 2,000 15-18 year olds.

Data Shows Parties and Gatherings as Most Common Place for Young People to Obtain Drugs

The results of a recent survey conducted by the DSM Foundation have revealed that parties and gatherings are the most common place for 15-18 year olds to obtain drugs. Out of the 2,100 young people surveyed, over three quarters named parties and gatherings as the main source of drugs.

The DSM Foundation, a drugs education charity, collected the data in order to highlight the risks associated with obtaining drugs in these types of situations. The survey also revealed that many young people are unaware that drug transactions in these settings are considered as “supply” rather than “possession” in the eyes of the law, and can result in harsher penalties if convicted.

The survey was part of the DSM Foundation’s drugs education workshops, which were delivered to over 12,000 school and college students during the autumn term of 2023. The charity also ran workshops for parents and caregivers, as well as school staff and other professionals working with young people. Students were asked to complete an anonymous pre-workshop survey, which helped the charity plan sessions that were relevant to each cohort’s requirements and context.

The data from the 2023 autumn term survey of students in Years 11 to 13 also revealed outdoor areas, such as parks, as the second most common place where young people were aware of their peers coming across drugs (54%). This was followed by someone’s house (44%), social media (40%), online (32%), and school (30%).

The survey also asked students about the reasons why someone their age might use drugs. “Curiosity”, “socializing”, and “for fun/relaxation” were the highest rated responses. However, over 58% stated “feeling pressured” as one of the main reasons, with nearly 40% citing “coping with problems” and over 25% citing “addiction”.

Vaping was found to be the most common substance in use, with over 96% of respondents naming it. When asked about the main substances used by their peers, vaping was the most popular answer, followed by alcohol (92%), cannabis/weed (71%), and cigarettes (66%). Other substances, such as cannabis edibles, nitrous oxide, and ketamine, were mentioned by fewer than 15% of respondents.

In terms of the substances causing the most problems for young people, vaping was also top, with nearly 80% citing it. This was followed by alcohol (54%), cannabis/weed (38%), and cigarettes (36%).

Fiona Spargo-Mabbs OBE, Director, Founder, and mother of Dan Spargo-Mabbs, said, “This data, and the voice of young people the survey captures, is incredibly useful for us in planning our drug education to make sure it is current, relevant, and meets the needs and priorities of students. The survey also provides an invaluable insight into evolving trends, attitudes and behaviours, which informs all our wider work.”

Spargo-Mabbs also emphasized the importance of addressing the risks of criminality associated with drug use in drug education. “Effective drug education needs to cover the full spectrum of the risks and potential consequences of drug use, including the risks of criminality, as well as opportunities to develop the decision-making skills to manage those often complex adolescent social dynamics safely. So-called ‘social supply’ is an all-too easy hole for them to fall into without realizing,” she said.

The DSM Foundation was established in 2014 following the death of 16-year-old Daniel Spargo-Mabbs from an accidental overdose of ecstasy. His family set up the charity to provide young people with relevant, age-appropriate, up-to-date, and evidence-based information about drugs to help them make safe decisions. The charity also provides workshops for parents and caregivers, training for school and college staff, and access to educational resources. for more information about the DSM Foundation, please visit their website at

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Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.

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