EDMI and Sense are teaming up to deliver smart meters with next-generation capabilities that will accelerate the energy transition, engage customers and reduce the costs of the energy system. The combination of these meters and Sense’s real time home intelligence software will enable grid edge intelligence with unprecedented resolution.
Retailers, networks, and consumers will all benefit from the new capabilities. Retailers will offer engaging services and energy insights, access domestic flexibility, optimise power management and improve power purchasing with detailed forecasting. Networks will have real-time insight into grid edge power quality and be able to identify and locate problems on the grid. Consumers will be able to determine how much energy individual appliances consume in real time, save money on their bills and reduce their carbon footprint.
Brett Reid, EDMI’s Executive Director in the ANZ region, said: “It is through partnerships like these that EDMI will be best placed to provide significant support to those using our solutions to address the challenges and opportunities faced as the move towards carbon net zero gathers momentum.”
As the largest meter supplier in Australia and a leading provider in the Asia Pacific, EMEA and UK regions, EDMI has deployed over 30 million smart devices across more than 100 countries. According to Dene Bannister, EDMI’s ANZ Regional Head of Sales and Customer Experience, the company is excited to be incorporating Sense’s advanced technology solutions.
Michael Jary, Sense’s Managing Director across APAC & EMEA, said: “For instance, using real-time device detection, Sense can detect the highest consuming appliances in the home, and help consumers turn down specific devices during peak demand. 18% reductions in load are possible – almost three times greater than previous best in class. For Australia, implementing Sense on smart meters would be the equivalent of adding 2.4 GW to peak capacity – that’s as much as three coal power stations.”
According to market intelligence firm Guidehouse, the global penetration of smart meters is expected to climb from approximately 44 percent at the end of 2020 to 56 percent by the end of 2028, resulting in over 1.2 billion devices globally.
EDMI and Sense are joining forces to bring real-time intelligence to the grid edge, enabling smarter homes and more efficient energy use. This will reduce global carbon emissions, save customers money, and make a major contribution to the energy transition.

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.