EU Regulation Campaign Aims to Combat Illegal Exotic Pet Trade

Exotic Pet Trade in EU Targeted Through Awareness-Raising Campaign

The illegal trade of exotic animals in Europe is posing health risks and is detrimental to the biodiversity of both the source countries and the EU. Wildlife trafficking is being enabled by a lack of awareness among exotic pet enthusiasts. To tackle this problem, TRAFFIC and WWF have launched an awareness-raising campaign to urge citizens interested in owning an exotic pet to abide by the strict EU rules.

The European Union is a major market for exotic pets, especially reptiles, amphibians, ornamental birds, and fish. Although many exotic pets are traded legally, the EU is still a target for traffickers looking to benefit from the illicit trade. To access consumer markets, traffickers exploit loopholes and smuggle protected species into the EU. They use e-commerce platforms, social media, fairs, and pet shops to target consumers.

In light of this, TRAFFIC and WWF have launched a campaign to raise awareness on this issue. Emilie Van der Henst, Senior Manager Wildlife Trafficking at TRAFFIC stated: “Being aware of the rules is an essential step to avoid contributing to wildlife trafficking. With this campaign, we aim to clarify the issues surrounding the illegal pet trade and urge individuals, if considering a purchase, to make choices aligned with legal and sustainable practices.”

Stéphane Ringuet, Head of the Wildlife Trade Programme at WWF France added: “If the idea of acquiring an exotic pet has crossed your mind, it’s essential to find out, recognise, and follow the rules. It’s not just about responsible ownership; it’s about making informed choices to safeguard against the conservation, legal, health, and financial risks tied to purchasing exotic pets.”

The illegal trade in wild species generates billions of Euros in illicit funds for wildlife traffickers each year. This contributes to biodiversity decline, negatively impacts human livelihoods, and threatens national security in source countries. Furthermore, the trafficking of wild species for pets also poses global health risks as it evades necessary veterinary checks and could introduce invasive species capable of threatening European ecosystems.

In 2022, the UNITE project, funded by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Home Affairs, was implemented by the French Gendarmerie, the Italian Carabineri, the Guardia Civil, the Hungarian and Slovak police forces and the NGOs IFAW, WWF Hungary, WWF France, WWF Belgium and TRAFFIC’s in-kind support. This project united efforts between law enforcement authorities, EU and international agencies, and the financial and private sectors to defeat environmental crime.

With the UNITE project and the awareness-raising campaign, TRAFFIC, WWF and IFAW hope to reduce the illegal exotic pet trade in the EU, protect wildlife, and safeguard the health of both animals and humans.

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.

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