in local business The local business exposes work experience.

Urban Synergy, a charity focused on social mobility and youth empowerment, celebrated a record number of young people participating in work experience at its corporate partner companies. CEO and founder Leila Thomas reflected on her own first day at work, stating “Work experience helped me get into my career. Having some work experience can make you stand out from the crowd on applications for courses, training and jobs.”

But why is work experience so important, and how does it benefit young people from all backgrounds? According to Careers and Enterprise, “High quality work experience helps young people get ready for the world of work.” This sentiment is echoed by the Gatsby Benchmarks, which state that work experience increases awareness of jobs and pathways, builds confidence in key skills, and reduces the likelihood of a young person becoming NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training).

This year, Urban Synergy saw a significant increase in the number of young people participating in work experience at leading organisations. Some of the companies that offered work experience to Urban Synergy’s mentees (young people who have gone through the charity’s programme) include Crown Prosecution Service, Dynamic Planner, HS2, ITN, Legal & General, London Stock Exchange Group, M&G, PwC, UK Power Networks (UKPN), and WTW. “My thanks go to all our corporate partners, and especially to WTW, UKPN and Dynamic Planner, who were able to pay their interns,” says Leila Thomas. “We make sure we support our mentees with expenses such as bus fares, appropriate clothing and lunch money – if it’s what will make the difference between doing work experience or not.”

Urban Synergy’s Work Experience Lead, Semere Estifanos, emphasizes the value of work experience for young people. “It helps build both technical and soft skills like communication and teamwork, allows exploration of different fields and roles, and provides opportunities to connect with professionals for future opportunities,” he explains. “Overall, it prepares young people for future employment and career success.” Semere also commends the initiative and ambition of the young people who actively seek out work experiences, stating that “they’re not just planning for the future – they’re already shaping it.”

The charity also emphasizes the importance of dressing for success on the first day of work experience. “Looking confident for your first day in the workplace is an honor and a privilege that we can all embrace,” says Leila Thomas. Urban Synergy’s corporate partners, including Moodys, have also played a role in preparing the young people for their work experience through corporate insight days and speed mentoring.

To support Urban Synergy’s work in providing opportunities for young people, donations and partnerships are welcomed. “My team is brilliant at preparing the Urban Synergy mentees for this experience, which can be the biggest event of their lives so far,” says Leila Thomas. “Thank you again to everyone who provides these opportunities and to the corporate partners – like Moodys – whose employees have a hand in preparing the young people through corporate insight days and speed mentoring.”

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.

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