Most Wanted ‘25 Number Plates as New Registrations Become Available

  • The Electric Car Scheme reveals the most desirable number plates for EV owners
  • EV-inspired plates such as RE25 NEW, SO25 LAR, and CL25 EAN among those now accessible
  • DVLA blocks over 3,400 inappropriate or offensive number plates

As the new ‘25 plates roll out, The Electric Car Scheme has unveiled a selection of the most sought-after number plates now available, while also noting those that have already been banned from UK roads.

From 1st March, a fresh set of registration plates will be introduced, giving motorists access to around seven million new number plate combinations. Many drivers will see this as the perfect opportunity to upgrade to a new vehicle. However, the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) has already screened and removed roughly 3,400 number plates that could be considered unsuitable.

March is also set to witness an increase in electric vehicle purchases, driven by impending changes to road tax, employer National Insurance contributions, and end-of-quarter sales incentives. This surge in EV interest has led to a rise in demand for themed number plates. The Electric Car Scheme has compiled some of the most creative options below:

Best EV-Related ‘25 Number Plates

  • PO25 WER (Power)
  • BA25 TRY (Battery)
  • RE25 NEW (Renewable)
  • EN25 ERG (Energy)
  • CH25 RGE (Charge)
  • SO25 LAR (Solar)
  • GR25 ENR (Greener)
  • EV25 NOW (EVs Now)
  • CL25 EAN (Clean)
  • PL25 GIN (Plug-in)

Thom Groot, CEO and Co-Founder of The Electric Car Scheme, stated:

“This March is set to be a record month for the uptake of EVs, the combined effects of the new number plates, the incoming road tax changes and the upcoming hike in employer National Insurance contributions, means that demand has never been stronger for EVs. With all of these EVs hitting the roads, we fully expect to see these drivers getting creative with their number plates.

“While these personalised number plates don’t always make your car more valuable, it can help it stand out from the crowd. If you are interested in leasing a brand new electric car with a ’25 plate, you can save between 20 and 50% through salary sacrifice at The Electric Car Scheme.”

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