Museums worldwide are teaming up with the Ocean us foundation in an unprecedented effort to combat climate change.

Famous paintings from some of the world’s most prestigious museums are fading to raise awareness about the extinction of coral reefs. The international foundation Ocean us has launched a campaign called “Last Call for Beauty” that aims to raise awareness about the alarming loss of coral in the world’s oceans and raise funds for the Global Coral Restoration project.

The campaign, which is called “Bleaching Art,” involves renowned museums from around the world, including the Palace of Versailles, the National Gallery of Victoria, and the Prado Museum. These museums are participating in the campaign by displaying their most iconic works of art that have been digitally bleached to symbolize the devastating effects of coral bleaching on marine life.

Ocean us, in collaboration with leading marine scientists and experts, has developed a plan to rebuild the world’s oceans through their Global Coral Restoration project. The project aims to restore nine million square meters of damaged reefs by 2030. The foundation’s founder, Linda Neugebauer, emphasizes the importance of coral reefs, stating that “an ocean without functioning coral reefs is unthinkable” and that they are essential to the survival of marine species and coastal communities.

The campaign, which will run until December 2024, is supported by major international institutions and companies. Chema Herrera, Creative Director and Head of Marketing and Communications at Ocean us, developed the campaign and explains its purpose, stating that it raises the question of how far we are willing to lose beauty and that beauty motivates us to act.

Eleven of the world’s most prestigious museums are participating in the campaign, including the Albertina Museum in Vienna, the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, and the Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum in Madrid. These museums are displaying works such as Monet’s “Water Lily Pond,” Tiepolo’s “Banquet of Cleopatra,” and Van Gogh’s “Les Vessenots en Auvers.”

The presidents, directors, and curators of these museums have also expressed their support for the campaign and its message. Christopher Leribault, President of the Palace of Versailles, states that there are many commonalities between preserving the environment and preserving artistic masterpieces. Prof. Dr. Klaus Albrecht Schröder, Director General of ALBERTINA, Vienna, emphasizes the fragility of both nature and art and the need for special protection.

In addition to raising awareness, Ocean us has also launched a crowdfunding campaign to fund the implementation of the Global Coral Restoration project. The foundation aims to raise a total of 40 million euros and has already secured commitments from major companies and institutions. The goal is to implement a concrete plan for global coral restoration on an industrial scale, to be launched later this year.

To learn more about the Global Coral Restoration project and the crowdfunding campaign, visit More information about Ocean us and their plan to rebuild the world’s oceans can be found at

Museums Participating in the “Bleaching Art” Campaign and their Masterpieces:

– Albertina Museum, Vienna, Austria: Monet, The Water Lily Pond
– National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia: Tiepolo, The Banquet of Cleopatra
– Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum, Madrid, Spain: Van Gogh, Les Vessenots en Auvers
– Palace of Versailles, Versailles, France: Nocret, The royal family in Olympus
– Prado Museum, Madrid, Spain: El Greco, Portrait of a Nobleman with his Hand on his Chest
– Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain: Juan Gris, The Open Window
– Munch Museum, Oslo, Norway: Munch, The Scream
– Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Bilbao, Spain: Koons, Tulips
– Sorolla Museum, Madrid, Spain: Sorolla, Walk on the Beach
– The National Museum of Fine Arts Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina: García Uriburu, Southern Utopia
– High Museum of Art, Atlanta, USA: Basquiat, Untitled (Cadmium)

Press Contact:

Weber Shandwick

Stefanie Vogl

+49(0)89 38017978

About Ocean us:

Ocean us is a global foundation with the ambitious goal of rebuilding the world’s oceans within one generation to secure our sustainable future. It empowers the scientific community and society to lead this planetary repair. Ocean us is a charitable foundation headquartered in Liechtenstein, with plans to open a branch office in Washington DC (USA) this year. They can also be found on various social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.

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