New Book Explores the Transformative Power of MESSY Leadership for School Leaders

BTS Spark, a global leadership development initiative, has launched a new book, titled “Embracing MESSY Leadership”, to support school leaders in their roles. The book, written by BTS Spark founder Rosie Connor and BTS Spark America head Alyssa Gallagher, is published by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) and draws on over 20,000 coaching conversations with school leaders from around the world.

Embracing MESSY Leadership is a practical guide that offers tools and strategies to help school leaders navigate the complexities of their roles. Each chapter is based on real experiences and provides resources to support school leaders in their day-to-day responsibilities. The book also highlights the importance of the human side of successful school leadership through the lived experiences of those who have benefited from professional leadership coaching.

According to co-author Rosie Connor, the book is a result of the valuable insights gained from coaching conversations with school leaders over the past two decades. She explains, “Not to share those valuable insights would be totally at odds with our non-profit ethos.”

Co-author Alyssa Gallagher adds, “The book aims to help school leaders become more aware of how they lead through the use of MESSY Leadership strategies that are already proven to be successful. We’re delighted by the reaction from early reviewers of the book and the invitations we’re receiving to present the findings.”

Renowned educator Pasi Sahlberg, who wrote the book’s preface, praises Embracing MESSY Leadership, saying, “The book you hold in your hands is a guide to proactive, collaborating, and inclusive education in a world that continues to be characterized by uncertainty, growing inequalities, and disruption.”

Embracing MESSY Leadership is available for purchase from ASCD and Amazon. It comes with a free 33-page MESSY Leadership Toolkit, which supplements the practical tools and strategies covered in the book. BTS Spark also offers keynotes and presentations on MESSY Leadership, along with webinars, podcasts, and articles related to the topic.

For more information, please contact Louise Holmes at +44 7712 011246 or

About BTS Spark:

BTS Spark is the social impact education practice of BTS, a multi-award-winning global leadership consultancy. They offer personalized coaching support to school leaders at not-for-profit prices to help them feel confident and capable in their roles. BTS Spark partners with schools, school districts, and educational leadership institutes to provide leadership development in areas such as people leadership, giving feedback, emotional intelligence, and more. Their latest book, Embracing MESSY Leadership, outlines 33 leadership mindsets for sustained improvement in practice. For more information, visit

About the authors:

Alyssa Gallagher, co-author

Alyssa co-leads BTS Spark America and has extensive experience as a teacher, school principal, and assistant superintendent. She has co-authored two books on using design thinking to improve teaching and learning.

Rosie Connor, co-author

Rosie founded BTS Spark to enable school leaders to access world-class leadership development and coaching at not-for-profit prices. She has led school turnaround and facilitated the launch of Australia’s Professional Principal Standard.

About the publisher:

ASCD is a global leader in professional learning resources for educators. For over 80 years, they have provided evidence-based resources and solutions to elevate education and boost student achievement. For more information, visit

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.

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