Nowmedical, a London-based company, has re-opened its incredibly successful work experience programme, with a new 2023 intake coming soon.

UK-based nowmedical Limited, a leading provider of housing medical advice, has announced the re-opening of their successful work experience programme for local school and college students. The programme, which closed during the Covid pandemic, is now ready to provide a real-life learning opportunity to a new batch of successful applicants.

Founder and CEO Dr John Keen expressed his enthusiasm for the re-opening, saying: “We couldn’t be happier to open our doors to some of our finest local youngsters again. As a company we gain so much from their enthusiasm and input, and we’re truly delighted that we will be welcoming the first batch of successful applicants back soon.”

The one-week course is specifically tailored to students considering a career in medicine or an allied profession. Dr Keen added: “From previous years’ intakes, we have had at least 5 of our students go on to become fully qualified Doctors, and we’re really looking forwards to adding to that number.”

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.

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