Nowmedical have activated their new Digital Marketing Portfolio, joining the digital world.

Nowmedical Limited, the UK’s leading provider of housing medical advice, have announced the launch of a new digital media asset collection. This includes a blogging site and a podcast series available on platforms such as SoundCloud and BandCamp.

Managing Director and Founder, Dr John Keen, said: “We wanted to expand our ways of connecting with our clients and the public at large, and move on from only having a website and LinkedIn page.”

Established in 2004, nowmedical provide prompt and professional medical and psychiatric advice to over 130 of the UK’s local authorities, housing associations and organisations.

Dr Keen commented: “We are a professional and transparent business. Our services to our local authority partners are highly cost-effective, for example reducing time spent in temporary accommodation, and by more efficient use of housing stock. At nowmedical, all of our doctors are UK-registered general practitioners and psychiatrists in current medical practice meaning we give only the most up-to-date advice and opinions possible.”

The company will be producing content focusing on topics such as the NHS, medical technology, and think-pieces and Op-Eds about important medical and governance matters within the UK.

In order to ensure everyone can access this knowledge, nowmedical has promised to make all articles available in a variety of formats. Furthermore, these will be available on the company’s YouTube channel, X/Twitter and forums.

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.

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