“Palestinians who have fled the Syrian conflict and sought refuge in Egypt face the harsh reality of illiteracy.”

Palestinian Refugees from Syria Struggle with Education in Egypt

In a recent investigative report published by The New Arab, journalist Ehab Zidan sheds light on the challenges faced by Palestinian refugees who have fled the war in Syria and are now living in Egypt. Co-published with the Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism (ARIJ) network, the report provides an in-depth look at the difficulties faced by around one hundred Palestinian families from Syria who have made Egypt their new home.

Amidst ongoing political discussions about the potential resettlement of Gazans in the Sinai Desert, the report exposes the violation of basic rights for Palestinian refugees in Egypt. Many of these families, who fled Syria more than a decade ago, are being denied residency permits, leaving them with no access to education.

The report, which can be found on The New Arab’s website, highlights the dire situation for Palestinian refugees in Egypt. With no legal status, these families are unable to enroll their children in schools, resulting in a generation of illiterate youth.

According to the report, this is a “politically engineered crisis” that has been ongoing for years. The denial of residency permits is a deliberate tactic by the Egyptian government to prevent Palestinian refugees from gaining a foothold in the country.

The New Arab’s Investigative Editor, Andrea Glioti, emphasized the importance of shedding light on this issue, stating, “It is crucial for the media to bring attention to the struggles of Palestinian refugees in Egypt, who have been left without proper education and basic rights. This report is a call to action for authorities to address and rectify this crisis.”

For media inquiries, please contact Andrea Glioti at andrea.glioti@newarab.com.

The report was distributed by https://pressat.co.uk/.

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.

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