PCC BakkiSilicon hf. has been awarded the ISCC Carbon Footprint Certification, making it the first silicon producer to receive such recognition for its critical raw material.

PCC BakkiSilicon hf. Becomes First Silicon Metal Producer to Receive ISCC Carbon Footprint Certification

Duisburg, Germany/Húsavík, Iceland – PCC BakkiSilicon hf., a leading Icelandic silicon metal producer, has achieved a significant milestone by becoming the first company in its sector to receive the ISCC Carbon Footprint Certification (CFC). The certification, awarded by the renowned certification system for verifiably sustainable supply chains, International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC), confirms PCC BakkiSilicon hf.’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Following an independent audit at the production site in Húsavík, the certificate was issued, confirming a greenhouse gas footprint of 3,102.56 kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) per metric ton of silicon metal produced in the twelve-month reference period from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023. This makes PCC BakkiSilicon hf. a global pioneer in the industry and sets a new standard for climate protection.

PCC BakkiSilicon hf. produces silicon metal exclusively using electricity from renewable energy sources, primarily geothermal energy. This has resulted in a certified carbon footprint of 3.1 kilograms CO2 equivalent per kilogram of silicon, which is 3.5 times lower than the global industry average of 10.9 kilograms CO2 equivalent. In comparison, Chinese manufacturers, which dominate the world market with their dumping prices, are still operating with emissions far above this figure.

Silicon is a crucial component in the production of photovoltaic modules and other high-tech and climate protection applications. However, the production of silicon is energy-intensive, making emissions associated with energy supply a significant factor in the overall climate balance of these applications. With its low carbon footprint, PCC BakkiSilicon hf. has set a new global benchmark in this regard.

Despite this achievement, PCC BakkiSilicon hf. faces strong economic pressure due to competition with Chinese manufacturers, who produce silicon with significantly higher CO2 emissions and under conditions of forced labor. In response, PCC BakkiSilicon hf. is calling for political support to level the playing field and ensure fair competition.

PCC SE, the parent company of PCC BakkiSilicon hf., is also committed to sustainability and continuously increasing the enterprise value of its portfolio companies through sustainable investments and the creation of new value. The group company PCC BakkiSilicon hf. operates one of the world’s most advanced silicon production facilities and is managed within the Silicon & Derivatives segment.

The ISCC Carbon Footprint Certification was awarded to PCC BakkiSilicon hf. based on an analysis of the carbon footprint, which was carried out in accordance with ISCC guidelines for greenhouse gas calculations and the new certification approach for the carbon footprint of products from silicon metal production. The scope of the certificate covers the entire production process, including raw material and energy supply, transportation, and manufacturing.

About PCC SE

PCC SE is a parent and investment holding company of the globally active PCC Group, with around 3,300 employees. Its Group companies have core competencies in the production of chemical feedstocks and specialty chemicals, silicon and silicon derivatives, and container logistics. PCC SE focuses on continuously increasing the enterprise value of its portfolio companies through sustainable investments and the ongoing creation of new value. The PCC Group generated consolidated sales of €994 million and earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) of €112 million in fiscal 2023, with capital expenditures amounting to €142 million. For more information, visit https://www.pcc.eu.

Press Contact:

Susanne Biskamp, Head of Marketing & Public Relations

PCC SE | Moerser Str. 149 | D-47198 Duisburg | Phone: +49 2066 20 19-35 | susanne.biskamp@pcc.eu

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.

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