“Prince Phillip’s Encounter with an Alien Named Janus”

New Documentary Explores the Royal Family’s Fascination with UFOs and the Paranormal

A new documentary titled “The King of UFOs” has recently been released and is now available for streaming on the popular platform GAIA. It will also be coming to Amazon Prime and be available for streaming on Tubi.

The film takes a deep dive into the interest that the late Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip had in UFOs and crop circles. It also explores an intriguing episode where Prince Phillip was supposed to meet with an alleged alien named Janus at a flat in Chelsea. Janus had reportedly met with Phillip’s query Sir Peter Horsley and claimed to have information about saving the planet that he wanted to share with the prince.

Unfortunately, the meeting never took place, and it is believed that Janus may have been a Russian spy. The film also features an interview with Richard Felix, a historian famous for his appearances on the TV show “Most Haunted.” Felix discusses the possibility of the Vatican holding secrets about UFOs in its archives.

He states, “The Queen has allegedly requested documents from the Vatican Secret Archives, which is known to hold documents dating back thousands of years. Some believe that these documents may hold information about the origins of Christianity and the truth about the UFO phenomenon.”

Felix goes on to reveal that the Vatican has a strong interest in UFOs and even has its own observatories in Arizona and at the Pope’s Summer Palace in Rome. He also mentions the speculation that the Vatican may have been involved in a UFO landing in Sicily during World War II.

The film’s writer and director, Mark Christopher Lee, alleges that the UK also has its own UFO cover-up, which started with the Rendelsham Incident in 1980. Lee claims to have spoken with two witnesses to the incident who were told by authorities not to report or discuss what they saw.

The documentary also explores the potential role that King Charles would play if we were to make contact with aliens. The trailer for the film can be viewed on YouTube.

Don’t miss out on this thought-provoking and intriguing documentary. Stream “The King of UFOs” now on GAIA, and keep an eye out for its release on Amazon Prime and Tubi.

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.

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