SocialBox.Biz transforms the lives of others by repurposing old laptops and Macbooks.

London, UK – SocialBox.Biz, a tech-focused community interest company, is celebrating a decade of impact with a call to action for corporate boards and company leaders. Founded in 2014, the organization is dedicated to making a positive impact by repurposing old laptops and Macbooks with open source software.

Through partnerships with various organizations, including refugee centers and homeless shelters, SocialBox.Biz has been able to provide upgraded laptops and Macbooks to those in need. These devices not only provide a means for communication and connectivity, but also open up opportunities for education, employment, and social inclusion.

Peter Paduh, founder of SocialBox.Biz, explains the importance of their mission: “Technology is a powerful tool that can change lives. By repurposing old laptops and Macbooks, we are not only increasing impact for participating companies, but also empowering individuals and communities to thrive in today’s digital world.”

In addition to providing devices, SocialBox.Biz also offers digital skills training to help recipients make the most of their technology. They are currently seeking partnerships with companies and universities to sponsor their training programs.

As part of their efforts to continue making a positive impact, SocialBox.Biz is calling on individuals and businesses to donate their old devices and join them in bridging the digital divide. Donations not only assist those in need, but also contribute to reducing Scope 3 emissions and promoting sustainability.

Refugee Week, taking place from 17-23 June 2024, and London Tech Week, from 10-14 June 2024, are both important events for the organization. During these weeks, SocialBox.Biz is urging businesses to donate their unused IT equipment and make a difference in the lives of refugees and homeless individuals.

“Partnering with SocialBox.Biz is a pledge to a better way of solving your organization’s old tech and impact problems,” says Paduh.

To learn more about how to donate or get involved with SocialBox.Biz, please visit their website at Let’s work together to create a more inclusive and connected world.

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.

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