Thallo and SOCIALCARBON Unite Through Registry Integration

Thallo’s Innovative Carbon Bridge to Incorporate SOCIALCARBON’s Community-Embracing Registry

Thallo, an innovative climate technology company, announces an impactful registry integration with SOCIALCARBON, a well-established standard-setter endorsed by ICROA. SOCIALCARBON is distinguished for its emphasis on nature-based solutions that deliver measurable benefits to local communities in terms of social, environmental, and economic aspects.

SOCIALCARBON becomes the third registry to integrate into Thallo’s dynamic two-way carbon bridge, an ingenious infrastructure that facilitates secure movement of carbon credits from a registry onto and off a public blockchain. The integration of SOCIALCARBON’s credits, known as “Social Carbon Units,” perfectly complements Thallo’s existing registry connections with and BioCarbon Registry. These two registries predominantly issue engineered carbon removal credits and nature-based carbon avoidance credits, respectively.

“This announcement marks a pivotal stride in extending access to the comprehensive carbon market for our clientele,” stated Ryan Gledhill, Co-founder and CEO of Thallo. “We are excited about the collaboration with SOCIALCARBON, a standard that not only shares our dedication to environmental and social betterment but also envisions harnessing cutting-edge technology for innovation.”

Mike Davies, CEO of the Social Carbon Foundation, expressed enthusiasm for forging connections with key industry players to amplify value within their network of project developers and buyers. He affirmed, “This integration opens up additional liquidity avenues for project developers adhering to the SOCIALCARBON Standard, enabling them to generate tangible impact.”

Thallo has already unveiled its Carbon-as-a-Service offering, enabling clients to leverage Thallo’s two-way bridge to access blockchain-tokenized carbon credits. In the forthcoming months, the Thallo carbon marketplace will be launched, facilitating direct purchase of carbon credits from project developers by carbon buyers.

SOCIALCARBON, a holistic international Greenhouse Gas (GHG) standard with a focus on Nature-Based Solutions, has transitioned from a co-benefit standard to a full standard in 2022. It boasts 6 listed projects and anticipates a pipeline of 30 projects in 2024. As an ICROA-endorsed standard conditionally approved under CORSIA, SOCIALCARBON operates a blockchain-based registry, leveraging cutting-edge technology to enhance the auditability, transparency, and security of Social Carbon Units issued under its Standard.

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