The BRITE Box Big Cook 2024 has set its sights on hosting a mass participation cooking event in hopes of breaking records.

Voices of Hope, a Kingston-upon-Thames based charity, is gearing up for their 4th anniversary and Healthy Eating Week with the launch of their BRITE Box Big Cook 2024 event. The charity is aiming to break the record for the largest mass participation cooking event in the UK by encouraging over 3000 households to cook the same meal at the same time.

The BRITE Box project, which stands for Building Resilience In Today’s Environment, provides weekly recipe meal kits to families in an effort to tackle food insecurity and health inequalities. The BRITE Box team is hoping to raise awareness of their project and create a record for the most households cooking the same meal simultaneously.

The event will take place from Friday 7th to Sunday 9th June, coinciding with the British Nutrition Foundation’s Healthy Eating Week (10th-14th June). The charity will also be visiting two local primary schools on Monday 10th and Thursday 13th June to engage children in fun and educational activities surrounding healthy eating. In addition, local schools will be participating in a “non-uniform” day, where children will dress in the colors of the rainbow to raise money for the BRITE Box project.

To be a part of the record breaking event, participants can download the ‘Rainbow Pasta’ recipe from the Voices of Hope website and prepare and cook it at home. For those living near the Kingston Hub, 100 special edition BRITE Boxes will be available for purchase and delivery by 5th June. The charity is also accepting donations to help provide BRITE Box meal kits for families in need.

The BRITE Box project was launched in 2020 to address increasing levels of food insecurity in local communities. It operates within a social franchise model, with three BRITE Box hubs managed by Voices of Hope in SW London and partnerships in Southwark and N. Ireland. The project aims to reach as many families as possible by making cooking a fun, family activity and building lasting behavior change around food and nutrition.

Nick Dawson, UK Franchise & Development Lead for BRITE Box, says “The BRITE Box project provides so much more than just ingredients for a meal. It builds lasting skills, habits, and a love of food for life.” To keep up to date with all things BRITE Box, follow them on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.

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