The Chilterns Neuro Centre has been granted £50,000 to aid wellbeing.

The Chilterns Neuro Centre in Wendover has been awarded a £50,000 grant from the Gosling Foundation to fund its wellbeing service, which supports those in the local area affected by multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s and strokes.

The two-year grant will enable the charity to provide therapies, practical advice and psychological/emotional support to improve physical and mental health and enable people to live active and fulfilling lives.

Head of Fundraising at the Centre, Stella Kubale, said: “This is an incredible award that will benefit the Centre tremendously and all the people who we support. We want them to live life to the full.”

Sarah McCready, a member of the Centre, expressed her enthusiasm for the leisure groups, saying: “I often feel like I can’t do much but the groups give me so much more confidence and last week I even got to steer a boat on the Thames. I get to meet so many lovely people who give me inspiration, friendship, ideas for what I can do at home and a real sense of purpose to my life.”

The Centre provides clinical counselling, adaptive aids, nutrition and weight management advice, fatigue management, adjustment to new diagnosis, help with speech/swallowing difficulties, lymphoedema massage, acupuncture for pain relief, yoga classes and a range of therapeutic leisure group activities. It also works closely with other voluntary and statutory services.

Despite the £50,000 grant, the Centre still needs public support to raise over £1 million each year to continue providing vital services. Anyone with MS, Parkinson’s or who have experienced a stroke can get in touch with the Centre by phoning 01296 696133.

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.

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