The Rotherham Council has been urged to prosecute the wild animal traders operating at the Magna Science Adventure Centre.

Animal protection groups are demanding action from Rotherham MBC regarding the sale of reptiles and amphibians at markets held at the Magna Science Adventure Centre.

The Animal Protection Agency and Freedom for Animals have gathered evidence of what they believe to be illegal animal trading at events held on 16 June 2024 and 17 September 2023. Another market is scheduled for 1st September 2024 and activists are urging the Magna Science Adventure Centre to make it the last one they host.

The selling of pet animals at market stalls was banned in 1983 due to concerns about animal welfare. Captive reptiles and amphibians require specific living conditions that cannot be provided in the makeshift environments of these markets. These animals are often kept in small, sterile plastic boxes without access to food, water, or proper temperature and lighting levels.

Despite the ban being in place for over forty years, there has only been one prosecution for this offence, highlighting a significant failure in local authority monitoring and regulation. In fact, many venues are now refusing to host reptile markets due to the animal welfare and legal issues involved. Animal groups are urging Rotherham MBC and the Magna Science Adventure Centre to take a firm stance against unscrupulous animal dealers participating in these events.

Elaine Toland, Director of the Animal Protection Agency, states: “Trying to replicate the natural environment for these animals in zoo-like enclosures is extremely challenging, if not impossible. But to keep them in small plastic tubs at one-day events is completely unacceptable. The suffering these animals endure is unimaginable and unnecessary, and the law is in place to prevent this type of trading, but only if it is properly enforced.”

Laura Walton, Campaigns Manager for Freedom for Animals, adds: “These markets pose significant welfare issues for reptiles and amphibians. The stressful transportation, confined spaces, inappropriate lighting and temperatures, loud noises, and lack of refuge, coupled with increased handling and interaction from event attendees, create an extremely distressing environment for these sensitive animals. It is unacceptable, and more must be done to protect them from harm.”

Dr. Charlotte Regan, Wildlife Campaign Manager for World Animal Protection, states: “Reptile markets are inherently associated with a number of highly concerning animal welfare issues. Reptiles and amphibians are sentient animals, capable of experiencing a range of emotions and feelings, such as pleasure, pain, joy, and fear. It is not acceptable to compromise their welfare for the sake of buying and selling them like products at market stalls. We urge the Magna Science Adventure Centre to stop hosting these outdated and controversial events.”

Animal protection groups are calling on Rotherham MBC and the Magna Science Adventure Centre to take a stand against the mistreatment of reptiles and amphibians at these markets. The welfare of these animals must be prioritized and measures must be taken to ensure their safety and well-being at all times.

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.

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