Scotland-based charity Vegetarian for Life (VfL) has joined forces with the Care Inspectorate to release new guidance on providing top-quality care for vegans and vegetarians.
The tool and guidance have been developed using the Scottish Government’s Health and Social Care Standards, and aim to ensure that vegans and vegetarians receive appropriate support and care services.
By following the Health and Social Care Standards, which outline the expectations for health and social services in Scotland, care providers can ensure that individuals are treated with respect, dignity, and that their human rights are upheld.
This collaboration between VfL and the Care Inspectorate is a significant step towards improving the quality of care for vegans and vegetarians in Scotland, and the charity hopes that this guidance will also be adopted throughout the UK.
Heather Edwards, Allied Health Professions Consultant at the Care Inspectorate, expressed her delight at working with VfL on this resource. She explained that the resource provides care providers with a clear guide on how to meet the dietary and lifestyle needs of vegans and vegetarians, and also helps inspectors during their inspections.
Dr Kim Stringer, Director of VfL (Scotland), highlighted the importance of respecting an individual’s dietary choices as a fundamental human right. She also noted that there is often confusion surrounding what vegans and vegetarians eat and how to meet their nutritional needs, and this guidance aims to address these issues.
The resource, titled “Good Care for Vegetarians and Vegans”, is now available on the Care Inspectorate’s website and includes a link to a webinar co-hosted by the Care Inspectorate and VfL.
The guidance covers key areas such as providing care based on best practices and standards, meeting dietary preferences, and promoting a positive attitude towards an individual’s vegan or vegetarian identity.
This collaboration between VfL and the Care Inspectorate is a positive step towards improving the quality of care for vegans and vegetarians and ensuring that their dietary and lifestyle needs are respected and met.

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.