Today, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child has issued authoritative guidance to States on what must be done in order to uphold children’s right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment. This guidance, known as General Comment No. 26, outlines countermeasures to protect the lives and life perspectives of children and holds States responsible for protecting children’s rights from immediate harm, as well as for foreseeable violations of their rights in the future due to State’s acts or failure to act.
The 196 States that have ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child are urged to take immediate action, including the phase out of coal, oil and natural gas and shifting to renewable energy sources, improving air quality and ensuring access to clean water, transforming industrial agriculture and fisheries to produce healthy and sustainable food, and protecting biodiversity.
General Comment No. 26 will be available online in September 18th 2023, as part of the official launch of the General Comment during the Committee’s forthcoming session in Geneva, Switzerland. More information about General Comment No. 26 can be found at
The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child has today issued authoritative guidance to States on what must be done to uphold the children’s right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment. The guidance, known as General Comment No. 26, outlines countermeasures to protect the lives and life perspectives of children and holds States responsible for protecting children’s rights from immediate harm, as well as for foreseeable violations of their rights in the future due to State’s acts or failure to act.
The 196 States that have ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child are urged to take immediate action, including phasing out coal, oil and natural gas and shifting to renewable energy sources, improving air quality and ensuring access to clean water, transforming industrial agriculture and fisheries to produce healthy and sustainable food, and protecting biodiversity.
General Comment No. 26 will be available online in September 18th 2023, as part of the official launch of the General Comment during the Committee’s forthcoming session in Geneva, Switzerland. More information about General Comment No. 26 can be found at
Today, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child has released authoritative guidance for States on how to uphold children’s right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment. The guidance, known as General Comment No. 26, sets out countermeasures to protect the lives and future of children, as well as holding States accountable for protecting their rights from immediate harm, and foreseeable violations in the future due to State’s acts or failure to act.
The 196 States that have ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child are encouraged to take urgent action, including phasing out coal, oil and natural gas and shifting to renewable energy sources, improving air quality and ensuring access to clean water, transforming industrial agriculture and fisheries to produce healthy and sustainable food, and protecting biodiversity.
General Comment No. 26 will officially launch on September 18th 2023 during the Committee’s session in Geneva, Switzerland. It will be available to view online, with more information on the comment found at

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.