Third party conservationists have bought back an antelope species from the brink of extinction in the wild.

Today (Monday 11 December 2023), the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) downlisted the scimitar horned oryx, an antelope species declared Extinct in the Wild in 2000, to Endangered. This marks the first species in the global Extinct in the Wild initiative to be downlisted.

The scimitar horned oryx, also called the Sahara oryx, was once widespread across North Africa but began to decline in the 1980’s due to overhunting for their horns and meat.

The Environment Agency of Abu Dhabi (EAD) coordinated global conservation organisations to reintroduce the species, resulting in 510 scimitar-horned oryx calves born in the wild in Chad. Animals from leading conservation zoos – including ZSL’s Whipsnade Zoo – contributed to the founding herd.

In February 2023, ZSL scientists published a study in the Journal Science showing that conservation zoos have the powerful potential to reverse extinction. The scimitar horned oryx is the first species evaluated in the study to subsequently have its status downlisted to Endangered.

Dr Andrew Terry, Director of Conservation and Policy at ZSL and co-author of the study said: “At a time when biodiversity is being lost at unprecedented rates, the return of the scimitar horned oryx can give us hope for other species whose fate is – quite literally – in our hands.”

He continued: “The Extinct in the Wild global initiative recognises the vast collaborative efforts of zoos, aquariums and botanic gardens – working alongside governments and partners responsible for wild habitats – to prevent the extinction of species such as these. To have the fate of the flagship species for the initiative dramatically reversed proves the potential for the other species surviving only in zoos and reinforces the need for urgent support from funders and policy makers.”

The remarkable comeback of the scimitar horned oryx is a result of a long-term conservation effort coordinated by the EAD, and supported by ZSL and other global partners. It also represents the restoration of not just a species, but a whole ecosystem, by playing a role in maintaining grasslands in their native Chad and preventing the spread of desertification.

Dr Terry concluded: “At ZSL, we know that if we are to truly tackle the issues facing our planet then we must stop treating biodiversity loss and climate change as two separate threats – you cannot solve one without the other. As globally important discussions conclude at COP28 this week, we must take a moment to celebrate this huge conservation success and use it to galvanise world leaders to drive future change and success.”

Today, the scimitar horned oryx has become the first species from ZSL’s Extinct in the Wild global initiative to be downlisted to Endangered, thanks to a globally coordinated effort supported by the Environment Agency of Abu Dhabi (EAD), ZSL, and other international conservation organisations. This remarkable comeback is proof that, with the right will and resources, species whose fate is in our hands can be saved.

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.

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