UK film-maker urges King Charles to reveal the truth about UFOs

New Documentary Explores British Royal Family’s Interest in UFOs

A new documentary, titled “The King of UFOs,” has been released on streaming platform Tubi and is set to be released on Amazon Prime in the near future. The film delves into the British royal family’s fascination with UFOs and the unexplained, appealing to both believers of extraterrestrial life and fans of the hit TV series “The Crown.”

The documentary features exclusive access to unreleased archives and interviews with witnesses, as well as exploring the royal family’s involvement in alleged UFO sightings and crop circles. One of the most intriguing claims made in the film is that Prince Charles himself piloted an experimental UFO craft in Canada in 1975.

Retired Police CID detective and owner of The Great British UFO Learning Centre, John Hanson, shares his experiences and knowledge in the film, including his correspondence with Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth II. According to Hanson, the royal family had their own personal library of UFO and paranormal books.

Nick Pope, who previously worked for the British Ministry of Defence, also makes an appearance in the film and shares insights into the beliefs held by some within the British government and establishment that UFOs are of a demonic origin. He warns that they should be left alone.

The documentary also explores the claims made by a Canadian diver who worked on a secret military project in 1975 and allegedly saw Prince Charles piloting a UFO-like craft. The diver claims that the craft was powered by an electromagnetic force and that Charles was one of three pilots taking it to the NASA base at Langley in the US. He also suggests that this same craft may have been involved in the famous Shag Harbour UFO incident in 1967.

Richard Felix, a paranormal historian known for his appearances on TV’s “Most Haunted,” reveals that the British royal family has their own secret archives of paranormal and UFO stories, comparable to those held by the Vatican.

Director and writer Mark Christopher Lee also speculates on the potential role of King Charles in the event of first contact with extraterrestrial beings. He believes that as head of state and the Church of England, the King would play a crucial role in preparing the public for such a paradigm shift.

Lee also calls on King Charles to release any knowledge he may have about the truth behind UFOs, citing the UK’s involvement in the “Five Eyes” agreement with the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. He urges the King to share any information with the public, stating that “we deserve to know if we are not alone in this universe.”

The documentary’s trailer can be viewed on YouTube and for interviews and features, interested parties can contact “The King of UFOs” is distributed by Pressat and is now available on Tubi.

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.

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