White Ribbon UK has expressed its appreciation for the announcement made in the King’s Speech to reduce violence against women and girls by half.

New Government Commits to Halving Violence Against Women and Girls, Welcomed by White Ribbon UK

On Wednesday, July 17th, 2024, the new government announced their commitment to halve violence against women and girls, reaffirming their manifesto pledge. This commitment has been welcomed by White Ribbon UK, the leading charity engaging men and boys to prevent violence against women and girls.

Anthea Sully, Chief Executive of White Ribbon UK, expressed her support for the government’s pledge, stating that it can only be achieved through investing in the Primary Prevention of harmful attitudes and behaviours that lead to gender-based violence. Sully also emphasized the importance of engaging with men and boys to positively change these harmful cultures.

In order to effectively combat violence against women and girls, a whole-society approach must be taken, working with individuals and organizations to ensure a coordinated effort towards attitudinal and behavioural change. As the UK’s leading charity working towards this goal, White Ribbon UK continues to advocate for government investment in Primary Prevention of gender-based violence, to support expert organizations like themselves to work sustainably.

The demand for support to carry out this important work is evident, with over 400 organizations and almost 7000 individuals directly supporting White Ribbon’s work in England and Wales. These individuals and organizations have made a commitment to work towards preventing harm for women and girls.

White Ribbon UK looks forward to hearing the government’s plans to achieve their much-needed target so that all women can live free from the fear of violence. As the UK’s leading charity engaging men and boys to end violence against women and girls, White Ribbon UK is dedicated to their mission of preventing men’s violence against women and girls by addressing its root causes – harmful and dominant masculine norms. They strive to change long-established attitudes, behaviours, and systems around masculinity that perpetuate gender inequality and violence against women.

For media enquiries, please contact media@whiteribbon.org.uk. To learn more about White Ribbon UK and their work, visit www.whiteribbon.org.uk/about-us. To take a stand against men’s violence against women and girls, make the White Ribbon Promise at www.whiteribbon.org.uk/promise.

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.

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