The energy storage market is forecasted to experience a dramatic sixfold growth over the next 20 years, with a significant shift in both needs and technologies. This raises the question of where zinc technology fits into this evolving landscape. A new report, “Zinc-Based Storage: Zn-ion Batteries, Zn Redox Flow Batteries, Zn-ion Supercapacitors, Zn-air Rechargeable Batteries: Technology, Markets 2024-2044,” provides unique insights into the potential opportunities for those involved in the production and use of zinc-based storage devices.
The report, which was released on Monday, May 20, 2024, is based on a deep study of the research pipeline, expert opinions, and underlying fundamentals. It offers a comprehensive analysis of the latest research, particularly in 2024, and how it aligns with the commercialization needs of the market. The report also highlights several parameters essential to the successful commercialization of zinc-based storage, which are currently not being measured. These issues present significant opportunities for businesses in this sector.
The report includes a 34-page Executive Summary and Conclusions section, featuring new infograms, conclusions, and roadmaps. It also includes a further 64 pages of forecasts from 2024 to 2044, with detailed graphs, tables, and explanations. The report highlights the potential for zinc-based technologies to cover a wide range of energy storage needs, from long-term grid storage to shorter pulses for applications such as electromagnetic weapons and thermonuclear power. It also identifies the most promising materials for the emerging $20 billion device business.
Chapter 2 of the report, “Overview of energy storage,” provides a comprehensive overview of the energy storage market in 32 pages. This includes the potential for zinc-based batteries to pivot from their success in small disposable applications to larger rechargeable versions in the future. The report also presents realistic research targets for various forms of zinc-based rechargeable energy storage from 2024 to 2044.
Chapter 3, “Reasons for using zinc in batteries and their variants,” delves into the specific requirements for successful zinc-based storage. This includes the potential for multifunctional “smart” zinc storage, as well as a comparison of theoretical and real-world performance. The chapter also includes a statistical analysis of 2024 and 2023 research on rechargeable zinc-ion batteries, with a focus on pioneering companies such as Eos Energy Enterprises USA, Enzinc USA, Gelion Australia, and Urban Electric Power USA, despite the majority of research being conducted in China.
Chapters 4 through 7 focus specifically on the four key components of zinc-based storage – anodes, cathodes, electrolytes, and separators. These chapters highlight the need for coordinated improvement across all four parts for successful commercialization. They also provide in-depth analysis of the latest research and materials, with references for further reading.
Chapter 8 explores the potential for zinc-based hybrid supercapacitors, known as zinc-ion capacitors (ZIC). These devices have the potential to outsell traditional supercapacitors in a variety of applications, including mining, faster trains, thermonuclear power, and electromagnetic weapons. The report also compares ZIC with other types of hybrid supercapacitors, such as lithium-ion capacitors (LIC) and sodium versions, and identifies advantages for using zinc-based materials.
Finally, Chapter 9 looks at the potential for zinc-based redox flow batteries (ZnRFB), which are already being commercialized in various forms. These batteries are particularly well-suited for long-term grid and off-grid storage applications and have attracted significant interest from companies such as Redflow, Primus Power, and WeView China/ViZn Energy Systems. The chapter also provides a detailed analysis of the 2024 and 2023 research pipeline for ZnRFB, as well as a comparison with other types of redox flow batteries.
Overall, the report offers a balanced perspective on the opportunities and challenges facing the zinc-based storage market. It can be found on and

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.