Anxiety, a frontier long associated with humans. However, it’s essential to acknowledge that our beloved dogs can also experience this overwhelming condition. Anyone who has encountered anxiety knows the feeling of shallow breaths, a tightening chest, a racing heart, and a clouded perception of the world. Now imagine your furry companion enduring the same emotional turmoil.
Let us introduce you to Chilli Chihuahua, a vibrant canine who fearlessly struts alongside his sidekick, Sukhi, and his devoted content creator, Yasmin El-Saie. But life hasn’t always been a walk in the park for Chilli. As a reactive dog, he faces daily situations that prove overwhelming and stressful. Yasmin reflects on her discovery, saying, “I had no idea that dogs could have mental health issues.” With a heavy sigh, she continues, “It took Chilli’s anxiety for me to realize that I, too, suffer from anxiety. It was as if Chilli became my mirror, reflecting the heightened state I experienced myself. Every time I ventured out of the house, I could feel my heart racing, dreading the outside world. And I witnessed it in his tense little body, bracing himself for the unknown.”
Over the years, Chilli and Yasmin have forged a profound bond, working closely together to support Chilli in every possible way. Yasmin shares, “I never wanted Chilli to become so unmanageable that I would have to leave him at home. I always aimed for Chilli to be a part of my life as much as possible, while still considering his needs and boundaries.”
Yasmin has devised coping mechanisms for both herself and Chilli. For instance, she never leaves home without a dog bag. “The bag serves as Chilli’s safe haven, a cave-like space where he can retreat whenever the outside world becomes overwhelming. Additionally, his yellow gear signals to people that he requires space and is not comfortable with strangers approaching him.” Living a yogic lifestyle, Yasmin finds solace in meditation, sound therapy, and breathwork to calm her own nervous system. “It’s fascinating to observe how Chilli reacts to practices like meditation, Reiki healing, and sound bathing. He intuitively selects the experiences he wants to be a part of, and witnessing him relax and receive the healing is truly remarkable.”
Years of learning and training have inspired Yasmin to share her journey of living with an anxious dog through the “I am anxious too!” campaign, which can be found on Chilliwawa’s Instagram account and website. Each week, Yasmin and Chilli provide valuable tips and insights on how to support and initiate healing for both dogs and their human companions. Yasmin expresses her enthusiasm for using social media as a platform to raise awareness for this significant cause. She states, “People are often unaware that not all dogs are relaxed and easy to approach. When a dog reacts unexpectedly, the person involved may not understand and may unfairly label the dog as bad or aggressive. It would be wonderful if more individuals were aware of dog anxiety and reactivity, enabling them to prevent unmanageable situations and foster better understanding. We simply need to learn how to communicate with them more effectively!”
Join the “I am anxious too!” campaign and follow Chilli Chihuahua’s journey towards spreading awareness about canine anxiety. Together, we can make a difference.

Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.