Calibre Audio, a national charity providing audiobooks to those with print disabilities, has partnered with Bonnier Books UK to produce an audio version of Patrick Kane and Samuel Rodriguez’s book, Human 2.0.
The book, a celebration of medical engineering and human bionics, uses a unique approach and soundscapes to bring the text and imagery to life for those with print disabilities. It features Paralympians Richard Whitehead and Blake Leeper, and the world’s first ‘cyborg’, Neil Harbisson, to demonstrate what is already possible and what the future holds for humanity.
Emma Scott, Director of Commissioning and Editorial at Calibre Audio, said: “We were delighted to work together to ensure this book is available in an accessible format. Its uplifting and inspiring message is so relevant for Calibre Audio’s members who all face the challenges of print disability.”
The book’s author, Patrick Kane, is also pleased that it will be accessible for all. He said: “It is my hope that this audiobook (and the physical book itself) will inspire the next generation of children with disabilities to realise their exciting place in the world and teach children everywhere what it means to be human.”
Kane has personal experience of disability, having contracted meningococcal septicaemia as a baby and having his right leg amputated below the knee, along with all the fingers on his left hand and the second and third fingers of his right hand. He was also the youngest person in the world to be fitted with a bionic arm in 2010, at the age of 13.
The audio version of Human 2.0 was created with a documentary narrative and sound design to create an immersive experience. It is out now and available for Calibre Audio members as part of its collection of 15,000 audiobook titles. To find out more about the charity and to join, visit