The Anjool Maldé Memorial Trust has announced their 2023 Awards, with prize money being awarded to a selection of the UK’s most talented young individuals. The Trust was set up in 2010 as a legacy to Anjool Maldé (1984-2009), and the Awards serve to encourage all young individuals to ‘do well, do good’ in their lives and careers.
The 10th Anniversary Jazz Prize, sponsored by the Guildhall School of Music & Drama (GSMD), was awarded to Anmol Mohara Darji (Drums), Cody Moss (Piano), and Zoe Lima Pascoal (Drums). Matt Skelton, Acting Head of Jazz at GSMD, praised the Anjool Maldé Jazz Prize for its commitment to supporting outstanding talent, and said: “It is wonderful that their artistic growth and achievements can be recognised by such a generous, combined and significant award.” Anmol Mohara Darji, one of the winners, plans to use the award money to record his music.
The Young Social Entrepreneur of the Year Award, sponsored by the Localgiving Foundation, was awarded to Joan Oluwabusola Omolola Idowu, Founder of Several Seats. Judge Betsy Fore, founder of Tiny Organics, was highly impressed with Joan’s impact, and said: “The traction that Several Seats has achieved since launch is amazing and allowed thousands to lead a purposeful life filled with passion.” Tom Latchford, Chairman of Localgiving Foundation, added: “I’m delighted that Several Seats was chosen to win the award, and such a relevant organisation to the times we live in and for honouring the memory of Anjool.”
The Anjool Maldé Scholarship, co-hosted by St Peter’s College Oxford, was awarded to Reuben Leyland (Engineering), Tanya Watson (Chemistry), Marcus Wells (History), Emma Wiggetts (History), and Anna Williams (Geography). Professor Judith Buchanan, Master of St Peter’s College, said: “This excellent scholarship scheme brings both significant encouragement and material support to young lives at a crucial point in their studies.”
The Photography Awards, sponsored and judged by Reuben Kench and co-hosted by the Northern School of Art, were awarded to Rachel Marsh (Photographic Practice) and Rachel Draper (Commercial Photography). Reuben Kench praised Rachel Marsh’s originality, distinctiveness and technical control of materials and techniques, and Rachel Draper for her “unexpectedly theatrical and beguiling” work.
The Young Journalist of the Year Award, co-hosted by Queen’s University Belfast, was awarded to Christopher Molloy for his short film The Quiet, Uncredited Photographer. Judge Richard O’Sullivan, Senior Lecturer in Film at Queen’s University, said: “Christopher Molloy’s ‘The Quiet, Uncredited Photographer’ is beautifully filmed and conceptually rich, and prompts us to consider the challenges of portraying the lives of those we love.” Christopher said of the award: “It enables us to celebrate the modest, unseeking quality of so many unsung heroes who go about pursuing their talents, patiently and steadfastly, regarding this as reward itself.”
The Young Innovator of the Year Award, co-hosted by Innovate UK, was awarded to Silvia Juan Lin, Founder of Tycho MedLink, the immersive-technology inspired aid for dementia sufferers. Judge Raj Dey MBE, Founder & CEO of Learnerbly, said: “Silvia’s story is inspiring – having seen first-hand the devastating impact of her uncle’s stroke she was spurred into action to help. Her app is bringing cognitive rehabilitation into modern age; making it accessible using AI and AR to ensure people can take control of their rehabilitation.” Silvia said of the award: “By harnessing the potential of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality, I aim to make personalised cognitive rehabilitation accessible to all through our product. This award fuels my determination to push boundaries and make a positive impact on those we serve.”
The Trustees of the Anjool Maldé Awards also highlighted the Journalism Award Winner Chris Molloy for his film The Quiet, Uncredited Photographer, noting the modest, unseeking quality of so many unsung heroes.
The Anjool Maldé Memorial Trust takes great pleasure in announcing these Awards, another extraordinary year of great achievements.
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Derick is an experienced reporter having held multiple senior roles for large publishers across Europe. Specialist subjects include small business and financial emerging markets.